I am recovered from an eating disorder myself, and am honored to use my experience to help others since becoming certified as an eating disorder coach.

I recovered from my own eating disorder in 2017 and know how helpless it can feel. In my own recovery process, I wished I’d had a coach and found that there was unique form of trust when working with a therapist or counselor who had experienced an eating disorder themselves, which lead me to become a coach. The lessons I learned in recovery were so invaluable and brought me closer to myself than I’d thought possible.

What is eating disorder coaching?

An eating disorder coach assists clients in reaching their treatment goals in real life, day-to-day situations, where other members of your treatment team cannot. A coach provides support and personal/practical challenge and accountability. 

A coach is meant to be an addition to a support team, so clients should ideally already be working in combination with therapist, dietician, etc.

My role as a coach/services:

I provide one-on-one sessions or group sessions virtually, for anyone in the world struggling with disordered eating. A coach is not a therapist- a therapist focuses on the how and the psychology of your eating disorder, where a coach focuses on the here and now, and how the eating disorder is affecting you today. I help individuals heal their relationship with food, their body, and their life through behavior changes and goal setting.

-This looks like: individualized goals and assignments for each week, meal support sessions, and after hour support by text or email

-How its done: virtually by zoom, etc.

-What we work on: here and now thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and the day-to-day organization and how’s of your recovery.

-Exercises/activities might include:

  • Discovering your why’s for recovery

  • Helping find and set goals for yourself

  • Learning and practicing new ways of coping that work for you

  • Finding your true values

  • Eating together, or meal challenges- (when you are ready)

  • Working together with your therapist, dietician, etc.

I require clients purchase two books which we will reference in working together: "The 8 Keys to Recovering From an Eating Disorder” and the matching workbook, which can be found on amazon and many other storefronts.

Session detail

Duration: 50-minutes long, on a once-weekly basis. These frequencies may be adjusted as we see fit. For example, twice weekly 30-minute sessions might work better for some clients, etc.

  • Session Fee: $95 per 50-minute video session

  • 5 Session Package: $400 at 15% discount ($80/session)

Includes text or email support between sessions, and communication with your other treatment team members.

Throughout my coaching, I focus on 8 Key Concepts:

  1. Working with motivation, patience, and hope. 

  2. Strengthening the healthy self so it can heal the eating disorder self

  3. It’s not about the food. Eating disorders arise from a combination of risk factors.

  4. Feel your feelings, but challenge your thoughts

  5. Nutritional rehabilitation and stabilization of eating patterns

  6. Change behaviors, (not just the major eating disorder behaviors but other self sabotaging behaviors)

  7. Reach out to people rather than your eating disorder

  8. Finding meaning and purpose

It is possible to work toward being recovered- let’s do it. Defining recovered:

"Being recovered is when the person can accept his or her natural body size and shape and no longer has a self destructive or unnatural relationship with food or exercise. When you are recovered, food and weight take a proper perspective in your life, and what you weigh is not more important than who you are, in fact, actual numbers are of little or no importance at all. When recovered, you will not compromise your health or betray your soul to look a certain way, wear a certain size or reach a certain number on a scale.  When you are recovered, you do not use eating disorder behaviors to deal with, distract from, or cope with other problems."

Eating Disorder Coaching- One Month
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